Humanity and Love

Baker Published Author
1 min readOct 14, 2021

Love brings humanity together. It is the bond the bridges all division. The society you currently live in is full of love.

Love is what wins in the end, and therefore humanity wins. Humanity is love.
Love is humanity. Think of all the times you truly felt hope for the world. The world we live in today is simply love and a blessing. Think of these blessings and become one with the love that is on the earth now.

The life you live now is truly filled with love. Just look around, everyone around you is choosing unity over division. They are choosing kindness over hate. They are choosing love nowadays. Did you notice how beautiful the world is now versus before?

There is more truth being unveiled on earth. There is more knowledge and wisdom nowadays that people are using to benefit the greater whole of humanity.

Humanity is winning, because love is winning. Compassion, truth, and authenticity is flowing through each persons consciousness more so now than ever before.

Discover the ancient secrets to life “THEY” don’t want you to know about in my timeless classic book here.

