Humanity Wins

Baker Published Author
2 min readOct 13, 2021

Written by Baker Jacinto published author of the timeless classic book “Conscious Abilities”

Despite all the negativity and fear you hear about in the world today in the news. Despite the war, the pandemic, and all the perceived obstacles and the heavy challenges that the world faces. I can tell you one thing for certain.

That one thing I can tell you for certain, is that Humanity wins. God wins. Everything we think about we bring about. Know that you have the power within.
Do not let them take it from you.

Humanity is going to win, humanity already won. It is time to see the world from a very good place. A place from the heart. A place of love.

Love wins. God wins. Humanity wins.

Everything you have been programmed by society is not true. What you choose to believe in is what will happen.

The sheep are lost. They have always been. There is nothing new to that reality. There are those that know what is going on in the world. They are the ones that lead the way to the new era, with love.

With truth.

With justice.

With deep understanding.

The awake ones are chosen, to lead. They are chosen to be the example of a greater good for humanity. They are rising, and so is humanity. The consciousness is rising. The awaken ones know about compassion and they know the truth about this entire system.

Humanity wins because there is way to many people on earth that are filled with love in their being. There is too many people that want peace on the planet, and that are living each day to create more peace in the world.

Freedom is yours. The truth is yours. Humanity wins. Humanity remains sovereign. Humans free to speak and live their best life. Humanity wins because everyone is seeing the bigger picture, and deep down know the truth that love is the answer, and that there is so much love and good in the world. So much light and peace in the world and will only continue to be more of it.

Humanity won.

